China, a demographic giant with feet of clay
China, the world’s largest country in terms of population, is now a predominant player on the international economic and geopolitical stage.
China, the world’s largest country in terms of population, is now a predominant player on the international economic and geopolitical stage.
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Achille Guillard : plus que l'inventeur du mot "démographie "
Since the early 1980s, the demography of Canada and the United States has been quite dynamic.
Population, Reproduction, and Power in Eighteenth-century France
The Biographies et Entourage survey [Event histories and contact circle]: an assessment 10 years later
French law permits dual nationality and does not require foreigners who obtain French nationality to give up their original one.
Emmanuel-Etienne Duvillard de Durand (1755-1832), a mathematician and the first French actuary, contributed significantly to social mathematics, particularly through his mathematical model of mortality. INED has published the transcription of a previously unknown manuscript that offers a brilliant synthesis of his work in this area.
The ECAF survey (Emergency Contraception in Africa) was conducted in 2006-2007 in three countries of West Africa-Senegal and Burkina Faso (French-speaking) and Ghana (English-speaking)-and the North African country of Morocco (French-speaking)