Mariam Bougma

PHD Student at Paris Cité University and INED +33 636415173 Researcher website
Secretariat : Nicoleta-Adriana Banta 33(0) 1 56 06 21 57

Research field(s)

With a background in demography and population sciences, obtained from the Higher Institute of Population Sciences (2018-2020) and the University of Picardie Jules Verne (2020-2021), I also completed the Graduate School of Demography (HED) program during the 2020-2021 academic year, which combines both training and research. Currently a PhD student at Paris Cité University and INED, I focus on the atypical disparities in child health and mortality between boys and girls in West and Central African countries, where child mortality remains relatively high and statistical systems are fragile. The core of my work involves analyzing diverse demographic datasets to conduct a thorough examination of sex-specific mortality differentials, with the aim of understanding and explaining them.

Keywords: Mortality, health, sex, children, Africa.

More information about his·her Research

Mortality and health in the South

Some publications

"John F. May, Jean-Pierre Guengant. 2020. Demography and economic emergence of sub-Saharan Africa. Académie royale de Belgique, Pocket Book Academy series, 152 pages" déposée sur Archined , Avril 2024.