The stages of the life cycle, Ageing

Below you can access all the contents of the INED site on this topic, in all formats and from the least to the most specialised: multimedia content, publications, research projects, research mini-sites, selected links and others.

  • Memo

    Is it true that people living in rural areas in France are younger than people living in urban ones?

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  • Memo

    Arnaud Bringé, Pascal Chareille and Isabelle Séguy

    have invited Généanet to participate in a collaborative project to better understand the French population between the 16th and 18th centuries.

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  • Memo

    INED researchers tell us about impacts of the first lockdown at different ages and life periods

    The first lockdown in France put people’s housing, employment, and income conditions as well as their family relations and their methods of balancing family and work life to the test. In Spring 2020 INED took part in the following three internet surveys using representative samples of the French population.

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  • Video Living conditions of children after a divorce

    Living conditions of children after a divorce

    by Carole Bonnet (INED) Les Rencontres de la démo, Decembre 10, 2015 at INED Duration:15’

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