The stages of the life cycle, Ageing

Below you can access all the contents of the INED site on this topic, in all formats and from the least to the most specialised: multimedia content, publications, research projects, research mini-sites, selected links and others.

  • Graph and card

    Excess male mortality by age

    This graph shows the excess mortality of males with respect to females in France over the last 200 years. Excess male mortality is measured as the male/female ratio of the probability of dying at a given age, for different groups of years from the early 19th century to the early 21st century: 1820-1824, 1900-1904, 1950-1954, 1990-1994 and 2000-2004.

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  • Memo

    Socioeconomic inequalities and two-year-old children’s language and motor development

    Differences by parents’ socioeconomic milieu may be observed from the child’s earliest years.

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  • Memo

    Isabelle Attané

    Isabelle Attané comments on China’s move to end its one-child policy

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  • Games Imagining tomorrow’s population

    Imagining tomorrow’s population

    You can use the population simulator to see the future population trends of the whole world or of individual countries as forecast by the United Nations projections. You can also make your own simulations by adjusting fertility, life expectancy and the sex ratio at birth. Play with l’institut national d’études démographiques.

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