Gender inequalities

Below you can access all the contents of the INED site on this topic, in all formats and from the least to the most specialised: multimedia content, publications, research projects, research mini-sites, selected links and others.

  • Memo Maternity wards: the main obstacle to professional equality in France

    Maternity wards: the main obstacle to professional equality in France

    La situation des femmes sur le marché du travail a connu une évolution radicale ces 50 dernières années

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  • Memo

    Internal post-secondary “student emigration” in France: more young women than men go to study in major cities but more also return to their original area of residence

    Nearly half of women and slightly over a third of men aged 25 to 29 have a higher education degree

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  • Memo

    Gender gap in math: At what age does it appear?

    The ELFE study (French Longitudinal Study of Children) has enabled researchers to determine for the first time the precise age at which that gap appears

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  • Video The impact of lockdowns on gender inequalities

    The impact of lockdowns on gender inequalities

    by Anne Lambert, in the "Rencontres de la Démo", “Population and Covid: consequences of a major health crisis,” INED, September 2021 Duration:13 min 23

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  • Figures

    First Marriages and Remarriages

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