Gender inequalities

Below you can access all the contents of the INED site on this topic, in all formats and from the least to the most specialised: multimedia content, publications, research projects, research mini-sites, selected links and others.

  • Memo Stéphanie Condon

    Stéphanie Condon

    Following the 2015 VIRAGE survey in metropolitan France, INED conducted another VIRAGE survey in France’s overseas territories in 2018. Why was this decided? How was this survey conducted?

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  • Memo

    Gender pension gaps: structural inequalities

    Carole Bonnet, directrice de recherche à l’Ined, Dominique Meurs, et Benoit Rapoport, chercheurs associés à l’Ined, se sont intéressés aux inégalités selon le secteur public ou privé et le niveau de pensions, celles-ci ayant jusqu’alors fait l’objet de moins d’attention.

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  • Memo

    Smoking among immigrants in metropolitan France

    Smoking is a major public health problem; it is also one of the clearest markers of social inequality in health and mortality in developed countries.

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  • Video Women’s emancipation and changes in the family [FR]

    Women’s emancipation and changes in the family [FR]

    INED 1992 Duration: 2’

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