The Contemporary Family in France
Collection : Ined Population Studies
2014Éditeur : Springer
1. The Generations and Gender Survey in France: From Survey Design to Initial Findings - Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Part I - Diversification of Family Trajectories
2. Changing Patterns of Transition to Adulthood - Pascal Sebille
3. Diverse Forms of Union and the “Gender Order” - Wilfried Rault and Muriel Letrait
4. The Birth of the First Child - Arnaud Régnier - Loilier and Zoé Perron
5. Family Behaviours and Religious Practice in France - Arnaud Régnier-Loilier and France Prioux
6. Stability of Successive Unions: Do People Learn from Their Past Partnership? - Eva Beaujouan
7. When Fathers Lose Touch with Their Children After Separation - Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Part II Gender Relations Within the Couple
8. How Are Household Chores Divided? Responses Vary with the Respondent’s Gender and the Partner’s Presence or Absence During the Interview - Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
9. The Division of Household and Childcare Tasks Between Partners - Denise Bauer
10. Fathers’ and Mothers’ Involvement in Parental Tasks: An Unequal Division - Carole Brugeilles and Pascal Sebille
11. Union History and Division of Domestic Work Between Partners - Anne Solaz
12. Do Couples Share HouseholdTasks Differently after the Birth of a Child? - Arnaud Régnier-Loilier