Demography of polar bears : population projection, environmental change and public policy
Discutant : Nicolas Brouard (Ined) - La présentation sera faite en anglais
Polar bears rely on sea ice for hunting their primary prey,
seals. Global warming is causing reductions in Arctic sea ice, and
concern has arisen about the demographic consequences for polar
bears. I will report on a demographic analysis of the polar bear
population in the southern Beaufort Sea. The analysis uses a
female-dominant stage-classified matrix population model in which
individuals are classified by age and breeding status. Parameters
were estimated from capture-recapture data collected from 2001 to
2006. The results show that deterministic growth rates are affected
by sea ice conditions, and that stochastic projections (both
long-term and transient) are affected by the frequency of years
with low ice conditions. When linked to forecasts of sea ice from
global climate models, the results point to drastic population
declines by the end of the 21st century. The polar bear is being
considered for listing as a "threatened species" under the US
Endangered Species Act, and this policy decision relies on
demographic information.