"Transitions contraceptives : Quelques points forts d’une nouvelle analyse des données"
“Contraceptive transitions : Some highlights from a new review of evidence"
Intervenant : John B. Casterline (researcher & professor in the Ohio State University, Colombus, Etats-Unis) ; discutante : Heini Vaïsänen (chercheuse Ined UR14, chercheuse associée Université Southampton (UK), rédactrice adjointe de Demographic research)
The substantial increase in contraceptive use, particularly “modern” methods, since 1960 constitutes a revolutionary social and behavioral change. What accounts for population-level contraceptive transitions? Is there a universal pattern with variations in timing and rates of change from low to high rates of contraceptive use, or are there a wider range of pathways? And how are contraceptive transitions related to – or distinct from – fertility transitions? A recently published Supplement to Population and Development Review – a product of the work of an IUSSP panel -- contains eight articles that wrestle with these questions. The aim in assembling this collection was a set of essays that synthesize the extensive scholarship of the past few decades on contraceptive change, critique this scholarship, identify unresolved issues, and suggest promising ways forward. The Supplement includes a range of disciplinary perspectives on contraceptive transitions and population-level contraceptive change – demography, sociology, economics, epidemiology. For this presentation, we highlight arguments and conclusions in the essays that may seem surprising and/or that challenge prevalent assumptions among scholars.
Biographie de John B. Casterline :

John B. Casterline is Professor Emeritus in Sociology and the Institute for Population Research at Ohio State University, where he served on the faculty 2007-2023. John B. Casterline conducts research on fertility transition and reproductive behavior in low- and middle-income societies. He has participated in primary data collection projects in the Philippines, Pakistan, Egypt, Ghana, and Nigeria. John B. Casterline is past-President of the Population Association of America [2019]. He has also served on the Governing Council of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population [IUSSP]. Jonh B. Casterline holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Michigan (1980) and a BA from Yale College (1969).