The Stranger Among Us. Immigration Policies and Social Cohesion in Europe

le Jeudi 30 Octobre 2014 à Biblioteca del Senato della Repubblica, Piazza della Minerva, 38
Rome, Italy - 12:30 – 16:30

The Population Europe Event is organised in cooperation with Sapienza University of Rome, Neodemos, and the Italian National Institute of Statistics.

The first part of the event (12:30 – 15:00) will feature a dis­cussion on cutting-edge demographic research between scientists, politicians, policy makers, and representatives from interest groups and NGOs based upon presentations from eminent scholars.

The second part (15:00 – 16:30) will be a panel debate with experts from policy, civil society, and research to discuss the topic of the event further from a more policy-driven perspective.
There will be a live translation of the event from English to Italian and vice versa. 

Participation to be confirmed by 30 September 2014
, using our online registration form.