Health, education and retirement over the prolonged life cycle
Du 27 au 29 Novembre 2013 à Vienne (Autriche)
Appel à contribution avant le 30 juin 2013
Conférence internationale organisée par the Wittgenstein Centre
for demography and global human capital.
Thèmes :
- Reallocation of life cycle choices (health, education, labour
supply) in response to greater longevity ;
- Health and education as drivers of a prolonged life cycle
- Life styles and life expectancy ;
- Enabling a longer working life ;
- Intergenerational and intragenerational transfers in the
presence of prolonged life cycles ;
- Prolonged life and the sustainability of social security:
health and retirement ;
- Dealing with inequality in the expansion of life cycles
- Do longer life cycles lead to greater heterogeneity at older ages ?