Environmental change and migration in historical perspective

Du 04 au 06 Août 2011 à Munich (Allemagne)

organisée par "Climates of Migration", projet commun du Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, et du Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society de la Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Appel à contribution avant le 10 mars 2011


We seek proposals on a range of interconnected historical topics, including, but not limited to:
- migration as a result of the constant degradation of the environment (droughts, erosion, etc.)
- migration as a result of different kinds of extreme natural events in the past (storms, floods, earthquakes, and others)
- population changes over time in distinct hazardous locations such as floodplains, coastal zones, etc.
- the history of vulnerability and resilience; what exactly is the relationship between the hazardscape and the landscape, or, put differently, why did people move into a dangerous area in the first place?
- historical examples of relocation, resettlement, zoning, and city planning issues with impacts on the population as a result of environmental change
- historical discourses on environmentally induced migration
- colonial discourses on climate as an incentive for or an obstacle to migration
- islands, especially small and low-lying ones, as particularly vulnerable (or particularly resilient) places
- the relevance of local, regional, and transnational networks for environmental migrants