Educational Resources

L’Ined s’attache à élaborer des contenus en lien avec les programmes scolaire et les attentes du monde éducatif et à mieux faire connaître aux enseignants et aux jeunes les supports disponibles pour chaque niveau scolaire (de la seconde à la terminale).
Our free, easily accessed material is specially designed for secondary school teachers of history and geography, life and earth sciences, economics and social sciences, and mathematics.
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Interactive pages, animated presentations, games and videos can be used off line (uzipp on USB key directly) |

Take over the controls of a population simulator and experiment with factors affecting family size, discover your place in the world population or project yourself into the future.

Tables on the french and world population and access to several online databases.
Each Issue today offers a synthetic answer to a question regularly asked to INED
INED’s “Focus” pages provide essential, up-to-date information on specific scientific topics. These summaries “focus” on the latest research results, recent publications, surveys in progress and new Institute resources.
The "researchers’ own words" are brief interviews of INED members or guests speak of their current work, major projects or important meetings of the scientific community.
Interpreted graphs: a different set of recent population data is presented through graphs.
All videos on the INED website, classified by theme (life expectancy, fertility, world populations...).
An overview of the Institute’s scientific production on a topical issue.
Population & Societies, a four-page popular science journal published in French and English, covers every month, a different population question relating to France or other parts of the world. Downloadable from the site.
Discover the latest publications by INED researchers, list updated weekly.
Archined (INED Open Archive) and INED Editions.
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Les contenus du blob issus de l'exposition réalisée avec les conseils scientifiques de l'Ined "8 milliards d’humains… et après ?"