
Number of results7656

United States of America

  Data file (.xlsx) Data file (.csv) Explanatory notes (.pdf)   Summary Information File content: Cumulative number of deaths due to COVID-19 (both laboratory-confirmed and suspected cases) by age, sex, and week of occurrence, all places of death. Cumulative number of deaths due to COVID-19 (both laboratory-confirmed and suspected cases) by place of death and date of report. Source(s) : National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control Archive: All ...


Neighbourliness during lockdown in France

Anne Lambert, Joanie Cayouette-Remblière, Elie Guéraut, Guillaume Le Roux, Catherine Bonvalet, Violaine Girard, Laetitia Langlois
Population and Societies
, 2020
Be it in normal times or in a crisis, exchanges of services between neighbours are subject to the same laws of sociability. People in higher-level occupations make up for the geographical dispersion of their family through more frequent relations with neighbours and feel less ...