
Number of results7656


Institutions Françaises et participants Ined : Loïc Trabut (Coord.), E. Lelièvre, G. Le Roux, É. Morand, S. Pennec, B. Garnier, Clémence Ledoux (Uni. Nantes), Pascal Caillaud (Uni. Nantes), Annie Dussuet (Uni. Nantes), Marc Lefort (CHU Nantes). CNRS (Lise-Cnam) : Olivier Giraud (Coord.), A. Lechevalier et A. Eydoux EHESP : Blanche Le Bihan, Alis Sopadzhiyan, Arnaud Campéon et Béatrice Valdes EHESS: Sebastien Lechevalier, Anne-Marie Guillemard, Yuko Tamaki-Welply Ires : Arnaud Trenta, ...


Maternal nonstandard work schedules and children’s social-emotional well-being: Evidence from the UK

Nonstandard work schedule (working in the evenings, nights, or weekends) of mothers has been linked to negative outcomes of children, yet few studies have examined the mechanisms underpinning such association. We use the UK-based Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) to analyze children’s socio-emotional development between ages three and seven and their association with mother’s work schedules, focusing on two main mechanisms: ...