Accessing data

View INED surveys

INED has an online catalog on which the metadata of INED’s surveys and databases can be consulted in open access. Launched in 2022 and taking over from the Nesstar server, DataIned promotes the visibility of social science research results and contributes to the development of open science by adopting the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles.

In this catalog you can consult:

  • Survey documentation and, in some cases, associated variables
  • Various resources associated with the surveys (such as questionnaires, presentation leaflets, etc.)
  • Bibliographies associated with the surveys, for most of them
  • The catalog also includes documentation on INED’s demographic and contextual databases.

Ordering INED data

Most of the accessible data of the INED are gathered in a type of file called : Production and Research File (FPR), whose dissemination is governed by the Comité du Secret Statistique. To order these data, go to the portal Quetelet-PROGEDO-Diffusion:

To know the conditions and the procedure for accessing the data: [FR]

Accessing ELFE survey data (Etude Longitudinale Française depuis l’Enfance)

ELFE is France’s first longitudinal, multi-theme survey to follow a sample of children from birth to adulthood (see There is a specific protocol for ordering ELFE data: Plateforme d’accès aux données Elfe (

GGP access surveys

The Generation and Gender programme, begun in 2000 on the initiative of the Population Activities Unit of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, is a European research infrastructure. GGP aims to improve our understanding of the various factors that affect intergenerational and gender relations. It encompasses national longitudinal surveys and an international contextual database. See

Generation and Gender Surveys cover a wide range of subjects, including fertility, partnership, the transition to adulthood, economic activity and individual attitudes. Available data may be explored using the Data Analysis tool available online.

The contextual database contains information on general demographic and socioeconomic indicators, as well as on welfare state policies.

DataIned, the online catalog of INED’s surveys and data


Institut national d’études démographiques

Surveys Service

Data provision : 

9 cours des Humanités
CS 50004
93322 Aubervilliers Cedex

Email: enquetes @