Title: The effects of grandparental
childcare on adult children’s fertility in different institutional contexts
Supervisors: Laurent Toulemon
(INED), Nathalie Le Bouteillec (Université de
Picardie Jules Verne / INED), Stuart Gietel-Basten
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).
I am a Doctoral Researcher in Demography, based at INED and the University of Picardie Jules Verne. My
research interests lie in fertility and family demography and the relationship with public policy, and focus on the comparative analysis of grandparental childcare and adult children's fertility in European and East Asian contexts using :
Generations and
Gender Survey (GGS) data.
In addition, I am involved in the implementation of
the French 2020 GGS pilot survey, as well as the
extension of the Generations and Gender Survey
Programme (GGP) to Asia.
Before this, I served as a Consultant for
the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in New
York, conducting research on low fertility, and supporting Member States to develop rights-based population policies, including the first population policy for Mauritius.
I have also worked as a Researcher in Non-
Communicable Disease (NCD) Prevention at the
University of Oxford.
I hold a BA in Human Sciences from the University of
Oxford, and a MSc in Population and Development from
the London School of Economics and Political