Isabelle Séguy

Researcher +33 (0)1 56 06 20 38 // +33 (0) 4 89 88 15 15 33(0) 1 56 06 21 94
Secretariat : Marie-Danielle Bailly +33(0)1 56 06 20 47

Research field(s)

Research web page at CEPAM, click here
- Historical Demography (16th-18th century, France)

Analysis of socio-demographic behaviors based on parish registers whether nominal or not.
- Paleo-demography (populations of Antiquity and the Middle Ages)
Demographic study of past populations based on archaeological, osteological and historical data.
- Territorial divisions of France, in collaboration with Christine THéRé.
Study of the administrative divisions of the French territory, from the
Middle Ages to nowadays, of the principles governing the creation, modification and suppression of territorial boundaries and their demographic impacts.

A word by

I. Séguy studies sociodemographic behaviors from a historical perspective using archeological data

Read the interview

Some publications

Séguy Isabelle, Caussinus Henri, Courgeau Daniel, Buchet Luc, accepté, à paraitre 2013. Estimating the age structure of a buried adult population: a new statistical approach applied to archaeological digs in France. American Journal of Physical anthropology

Séguy Isabelle, Bernigaud Nicolas, avec la collaboration d’Arnaud Bringé, Michel Signoli, Stéfan Tzortzis. Accepté, à paraître 2013. A Geographic Information System for the Study of Past Epidemics: The 1705 Epidemic in Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône, France). Canadian studies of population.

Séguy Isabelle, Buchet Luc. Avec les contributions de Daniel Courgeau, Henri Caussinus et la collaboration de Arnaud Bringé, Magali Belaigues-Rossard ; Préface de François Héran, 2011. Manuel de Paléodémographie. Paris : Institut national d'études démographiques (Collection Manuels), 430 p. + un cédérom

Séguy Isabelle. 2010. La muerte de los párvulos : entre dogma y creencias populares Francia, de finales de la Antigüedad a la época Moderna. Revue Trace (Mexico), 58, p. 29-39.

Buchet Luc, Rigeade Catherine, Séguy Isabelle, Signoli Michel (dir.). 2009. Vers une anthropologie des catastrophes. Antibes/Paris, APDCA/INED, 554 p

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

Associate researcher at the Centre de Recherches
Archéologiques du CNRS (Physical Anthropology Unit)

Curator of the National (Archaeological) Heritage