Henri Leridon

Emeritus Senior Researcher
leridon@ined.fr 33 (1) 56 06 21 04 33 (1) 56 06 21 99
Secretariat : Meryem Zoubiri +33(0) 1 56 06 21 01

Research field(s)

- Human Reproduction: study of fertility (behaviors, intentions, unwanted pregnancies...), sterility and sub-fecundity (prevalence, individual and demographic effectiveness of medically assisted procreation...), birth control (use of contraceptive methods, contraception failures, abortion...)

- Sexual Behaviors and AIDS: participation in the national ACSF survey (1990-1996), in the European project of comparative studies of surveys conducted in the 1990s, and in the new national survey CSF-2005. Special Topics: counting of the number of partners over different periods and of sexual activity (accuracy and consistency of data...)
- Family: Changes in conjugal situations (marriage, cohabitation...) and of family structures (formation, separations, reconstitutions); point of view of the adults and situation of the children.

- Population Dynamics: Projection methods; pedagogical aspects; projections of specific sub-populations; ageing

A word by

Henri Leridon answers our questions on the Campus Condorcet [FR]

Read the interview

Some publications

Human Fertility. The Basic Components, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1977, 202 p.

Constance et inconstances de la famille. Biographies familiales des couples et des enfants. PUF, Cahier INED n° 134, 1994 (avec C. Villeneuve-Gokalp) (Réédité en 1999), 342 p.

Les enfants du désir. Julliard, 1995 (et Hachette-Littérature, coll. Pluriel, 1998), 278 p.

- BOZON (M.) et LERIDON (H.), eds : Sexualité et Sciences sociales. Les apports d'une enquête. Population, n° spécial, oct. 1993 (Diff. PUF et INED) (Version anglaise : Sexuality and the Social Sciences. A French Survey on Sexual Behaviour. Ashgate-Dartmouth, 1996), 382 p.

-Démographie. Approche statistique et dynamique des populations. Economica, 1997 (avec L. Toulemon), 440 p.

- LERIDON H. (sous la dir. de). Les théories de la fécondité. Paris : INED (« Textes fondamentaux »), 2014, 510 p.

Leridon Henri, Marsily (de) Ghislain, 2011, « Démographie, climat et alimentation mondiale », Rapport sur la science et la technologie, Académie des Sciences, Paris (France), EDP-Sciences, vol. 32, p. 314 + 84

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

Teaching Activities

- Associate Professor, Collège de France 2008-2009 (sustainable development Chair)

Editorial Responsibilities

- Editor in chief of the Journal Population (1996-2002)
- Member of the Editorial Board, International Studies in Demography (1990-2003) Oxford University Press
- Member of the Editorial Committee of European Journal of Population (Elsevier)
- Editor in chief of the INED Collections, from 1989 to 1996

Other Positions

- Member and correspondent of the Académie des Sciences (Institut de France, Paris)
- Scientific advisor, ELFE Project
- Co-Chair of EUCCONET network ((European Child Cohort network) 2009-2013
- Member of IUSSP and EAPS