Methodology research in quantitative surveys: sampling, non-response, data collection protocol, mix-modes methodology
Social epidemiology: social and gender inequalities in mental health and substance use
tells us about the Service des Enquêtes et Sondages (Surveys and polls service)
Read the interviewLegleye S, Bohet A, Razafindratsima N, Bajos N, the Fecond research team, Moreau C (2014), A randomized trial of survey participation in a national random sample of general practitioners and gynecologists in France, Revue d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, 62, 249-255
Legleye S, Charrance G, Razafindratisma N, Aline Bohet, Nathalie Bajos, Caroline Moreau (2013), Improving survey participation: cost effectiveness of call-backs to refusals and increased call attempts in a national telephone survey in France, Public Opinion Quarterly, 77(3) 666-695
Mayet A, Legleye S, Chau N, Falissard B. (2011) Transitions between tobacco and cannabis use among adolescents: A multi-state modeling of progression from onset to daily use, Addictive Behavior, 36(11):1101-1105.
Legleye S, Janssen E, Beck F, Chau N, Khlat M (2011), Social gradient in initiation and transition to daily use of tobacco and cannabis during adolescence: a retrospective cohort study, Addiction, 106(8): 1520-1531
Legleye S, Beck F, Khlat M, Peretti-Watel P, Chau, N (2011), The influence of Socioeconomic Status on Cannabis use Among French Adolescents, Journal of adolescence Health, 50(4) : 395-402
Legleye S, Piontek D, Kraus L, Morand E, Falissard B, A validation of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST) using a latent class analysis of the DSM-IV among adolescents, 2013, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatry Research, 22(1) 16-26
Pampel F, Legleye S, Goffette C, Piontek D, Kraus L, Khlat M (2015), Cohort changes in educational disparities in smoking: France, Germany and the United States, Social science and medicine, 127, 41-50
Head of the Survey and sampling department at INED
Membre of the research unit 14, Epidemiology, demography and social sciences (ERL INED-INSERM-PARIS Xl-UVSQ)
Membre of the research unit Paris-Sud Innovation Group In Adolescent Mental health INSERM U669
Co-responsable of the methodology of the panel ELIPSS (Longitudinal Internet Survey in Social Sciences) in partnership with the team of the CDSP (Centre for Socio-Political Data, UMS CNRS/ScPo)