Anne Gosselin

Secretariat : Evgeniya Samoshnikova +33 (0)1 56 06 20 24

Research field(s)

- Santé des immigrés
- Santé au travail
- Immigrés et Covid-19
- VIH/sida, Hépatites
- Inégalités sociales de santé

- Analyse biographique
- Recherche interventionnelle en santé
- Recherche participative et communautaire

Sites projets:

Projet SENOVIE - Mobilités thérapeutiques et cancers du sein: expériences et vécus de femmes africaines

Projet Makasi:

More information about his·her Research

Disparities in health and mortality

A word by

Anne Gosselin talks to us about neighbourhoods and health in the workplace

Read the interview

Some publications

Gosselin A., Warszawski J., Bajos, N. for the EpiCov Study Group (2022) « Higher risk, higher protection. COVID-19 risk among immigrants in France: results from the population-based EpiCov survey”, European Journal of Public Health, 2022, ckac046,

Gosselin A., Malroux I., Desprat D., Devetter F-X., Memmi S., Pannetier J., Valat E., Melchior M. (2021) "Prevalence of psychosocial risks among immigrants in France and associations with mental health: findings from the national French Working Conditions Survey", International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health",

Gosselin A. , Melchior M., Desprat D., Devetter F-X., Pannetier J., Valat E., Memmi S. (2021) “Were immigrants on the frontline during the lockdown? Evidence from France”, European Journal of Public Health,

Gosselin A., Daly A., El-Zaemey S., Fritschi L., Glass D., Ronda-Perez E., Reid, A. (2020) “ Does exposure to workplace hazards cluster by occupational or sociodemographic characteristics ? An analysis of foreign-born workers in Australia”, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 63: 803-816

Gosselin A., Ravalihasy A., Lert F., Pannetier J., Desgrées du Loû A., pour le groupe Parcours (2019) “"When and Why? Timing of Post-Migration HIV Acquisition among Sub-Saharan Immigrants in France", Sexually Transmitted Infections, Published Online First: 26 July 2019. doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2019-054080

Gosselin A, Desgrées du Loû A et Lelièvre E. (2018), “How to use sequence analysis for life course epidemiology? An example on HIV-positive Sub-Saharan migrants in France? ”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Published Online First February 2. doi: 10.1136/jech-2017-209739