Causes of death, Mortality and Urbanization,
Imperfect statistics, Demography of crises
Garcia Arias, J. (2024), The Demography of Crisis-Driven Outflows from Venezuela. Population and Development Review, 50: 643-675.
García, J. ; Helleringer, S. ; Correa, G. ; DiBrienza, M. Updates in the Infant Mortality in Venezuelan. The Lancet Global Health, Volume 12, Issue 1, e25 - e27, DOI:10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00520-X
García, J., Castro Torres, A. A binational analysis of infant mortality among crisis-driven diasporas and those who remain: a population-based study in Colombia and Venezuela. BMJ Global Health 7(8), août 2022, e009523, DOI:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-009523
García, J. Beyond urban-rural differentials in Latin American infant mortality. Demographic Research. Vol 42(8), Fevrier 2020, Pages e203-e244, DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.42.8
García, J. ; Aburto, J.M. The impact of violence in Venezuela life expectancy and Lifespan inequality. International Journal of Epidemiology, dyz072, Avril 2019, DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyz072
García, J. ; Correa, G. ; Rousset, B. Infant Mortality in Venezuelan humanitarian crisis: A systematic analysis on demographic data]. The Lancet Global Health. Vol. 7(3), DOI:10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30479-0
García, J. ; Torres, C. ; Barbieri, M. ; Cambois, E. ; Camarda, C. ; Caporali, A. ; Meslé, F. ; Poniakina, S. ; Robine, JM. Différences de mortalité par Covid-19 : conséquence des imperfections et de la diversité des systèmes de collecte des données. Population 2021, n1, DOI : 10.3917/popu.2101.0037
2024-2026 Access-ERC edition 2024, 24 months grant to develope the project 'The Demography of the Cardiovascular Mortality: The incomplete cardiovascular revolution in Latin America' (Grant Agreement number: ANR-24-AERC-0005-01) at the Institute National d’études Démographiques INED
2021-2024 Excellent in Science Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Individual Fellowships: Global, Seal of Excellence, European Commission (2019) for 36 months to develop the project ‘Demographic consequences of humanitarian crises in Latin America — DEMOcrises’ (Grant Agreement number: 892134) at the Institute National d’études Démographiques INED (France), and Johns Hopkins University (USA).
Projet CORDIS Website
Appointed positions
2021-2023 Appointed member of the UN DESA-WHO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment
2022-2024 Associated researcher at Instituto de Estudios Económicos y Sociales, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela.
2022-2024 Coordinator of the Health and Mortality panel (Original title: Red de Salud y Mortalidad) at the Latin American Population Association (ALAP).
2022-2023 Visiting Postdoc at the Center of Humanitarian Health at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA.
2019-2021 Member of the Early Career Taskforce for the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)
2020-2021 Member of the editorial board of “The demography of COvid-19 deaths” database at Institut National dÉtudes Demographiques (INED)
10/2023 – 01/2024 & 10/2024 – 01/2025 Institut d'études du développement de la Sorbonne, Enseignants Vacataires au Master Études de Développement, cours de Démographie
01/2020 – 04/2020 SciencesPo, Enseignants Vacataires au programme EURO-Américain, "Statistiques appliquées aux Sciences Sociales -Niveau Introduction" cours: UP 55768 (24 heures) &
cours: UP 55865 (24 heures).
Organization of international conferences
2023 Organizing committee for the international seminar “Venezuelan migration in the Americas integration, solidarity and institutional policies” at the Institute of Advanced Latin American Studies of Sorbonne Nouvelle University.
2021 Organizing committee of the IPC 2021 pre-count event “Your career after a PhD?” a networking activity of the Early Career Taskforce for the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).
2016 Organizing committee of the International Young Researchers' Conference: The impacts and challenges of demographic change. Paris, France. 22 and 23 September 2016. iPOPs Laboratory of Excellence (Individuals, Populations, Societies) and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED).