Political participation, citizenship, collective
actions, discrimination, racism
Gender throughout the life cycle
Ya-Han Chuang, Une minorité modèle ? Chinois de France et racisme anti-Asiatiques. Editions La Découverte. 2021.
Tran, É., & Chuang, Y. H. (2019). Social Relays of China’s Power Projection? Overseas Chinese Collective Actions for Security in France. International Migration.
Chuang, Y. H., & Le Bail, H. (2019). How marginality leads to inclusion: insights from mobilizations of Chinese female migrants in Paris. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-19.
Chuang, Y. H. (2014). Labor Politics and Organizing Strategies in Immigrant‐Owned SMEs: The Case of the C onfédération G énérale du T ravail and C hinese Migrant Workers in F rance. WorkingUSA, 17(3), 373-389.
Chuang, Y. H., & Trémon, A. C. (2013). Problematizing “Chinatowns”: Conflicts and Narratives Surrounding Chinese Quarters in and around Paris. In Chinatowns around the World (pp. 187-214). Brill.