Post-docs hosted


Hosted in UR09 (Economic Demography) since September 2022

"Wealth inequalities and demographic events." (WIDE) 

INED referent: Marion Leturcq


BIETTI Frederico

Hosted within UR12 (Mobility, Trajectories and territories) since june 2024

Projet AURELIA (Régimes d’autonomie dans le soin de longue durée : instrumentation et territoires)

INED referent : Marie Victoire Bouquet and Loïc Trabut



Hosted within UR06 (Housing, spatial inequalities and trajectories) since December 2021.

"Neighborhood inequalities and individual well-being: different approaches on trial."

INED referent: Joanie Cayouette Remblière


Hosted within UR04 (Gender, sexuality and inequalities) since July 2023

Project "ChiPRe" : Chinese immigrants in Paris Region (unit project)

INED referent: Isabelle Atané

COULIBALY Karna Bakary

Accueilli au sein de l’ UR05 (Mortalité, santé, épidémiologie) depuis janvier 2024

"Projet SENOVIE - Mobilités thérapeutiques et cancers du sein: expériences et vécus de femmes africaines."

Référent Ined : Anne Gosselin

CLECH Pauline

Hosted within UR08 (International Migrations and Minorities) since December 2021

Project "3GEN" (unit project) 

INED referent : Mathieu Ichou

DAGORN Etienne

Hosted in UR09 (Economic Demography) since September 2022

"Understanding the impact of the health crisis on orientation choices, as well as the effects of the crisis in the case of early dropout." (Unit project: Covid 19 and education)

INED referent : Léonard Moulin


Hosted within UR05 (Mortality, health, epidemiology) since September 2023

"To better understand and act with residents of working-class neighborhoods in the face of social inequalities in health linked to professional situations" (TRAVAIL POP)

INED referent : Anne Gosselin

DURAND Mickaël

Hosted within UR04 (Gender, sexuality and inequalities) since October 2023, 

Postdoctoral ANR-Access ERC project "GLWork" (Les gays et lesbiennes au travail en Europe de l’Ouest. How does sexual minoritization shape
socio-economic inequalities?)" (research agreement)

INED referent : Wilfried Rault

GAILLARD Claire-Lise

Hosted in Unit 4 since December 2021

"From choice of spouse to choice of lover. A study of love and sexual criteria in classified ads" (laureate call for applications INED-IPOPS 2021)

INED referent : Marie Bergström


Hosted within UR05 (Mortality, health, epidemiology) since May 2021.

"Demographic consequences of humanitarian crises in Latin America" (DemoCrises convention).

funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 892134

INED referent : France Meslé


Joined UR03 (Fertility, families, conjugality) in July 2020.

"EGAL (The Emergence of health GAps in early Life: A dynamic analysis of three national birth cohorts)" (unit project)

INED referent : Lidia Panico


Hosted within UR10 (French longitudinal study since childhood) since February 2021


INED referent : Catherine Guével


Hosted within UR04 (Gender, sexuality and inequalities) since November 2023.

"Sexual practices in childhood. Childhood explorations and parental representations" (winner of the INED-IPOPS 2023 call for applications).

INED referent : Marie Bergtröm

LE GUEN Mireille

Hosted within UR14 (Sexual and reproductive health and rights) since October 2021.

"Changes in contraceptive use during "pill scare" periods: A comparison between Belgium, France and Switzerland" (laureate call for applications INED-IPOPS 2021).

INED referent : Elise de la Rochebrochard



MELLADO Virginia

Hosted within UR12 (Mobility, Trajectories and territories) since march 2024

Projet AURELIA (Régimes d’autonomie dans le soin de longue durée : instrumentation et territoires)

INED referent : Marie Victoire Bouquet and Loïc Trabut


PINEL Jordan

Hosted within UR06 "Housing, spatial inequalities and trajectories"

"Aging, territories and digital technology"
Elvis project (Longitudinal study on aging and social inequalities)
(study agreements signed with PUCA and ANCT)

INED referent : Guillaume Le Roux



PISU florian

Hosted within UR12 (Mobility, Trajectories and territories) since june 2024

Projet AURELIA (Régimes d’autonomie dans le soin de longue durée : instrumentation et territoires)

INED referent : Marie Victoire Bouquet and Loïc Trabut



Hosted within UR14 (Sexual and reproductive health and rights) since October 2023.

"L’histoire de la sexualité, un outil pour l’éducation sexuelle" (winner of the INED-IPOPS 2023 call for applications)

INED referent : Elise de la Rochebrochard



Hosted within UR12 (Mobility, Trajectories and territories) since june 2024

Study on instruments for assessing loss of autonomy

Projet AURELIA (Régimes d’autonomie dans le soin de longue durée : instrumentation et territoires)

INED referent : Marie Victoire Bouquet and Loïc Trabut




Hosted within UR11 (History and Populations) since October 2023

"Individuals facing social change: analysis of social structure in France over a century 1836-1936." (ANR Socface)

INED referent : Lionel Kesztenbaum


Hosted within UR15 (DEMOSUD - Demography of the Global South) since October 2021

"Environment, demographic dynamics and inequalities in Southern countries." (Winner of the iPOPS environmental call for applications 2021)

INED referent : Valérie Golaz



Hosted in Unit 4 (Gender, sexuality and inequalities) since january 2024

"Enquête sur la vie affective des jeunes adultes" (ENVIE)

INED referent : Marie Bergström


Hosted in Unit 5 (Mortality, Health, Epidemiology) since September 2023

"The Effect of Resistance to Epidemic Measures on Disease Spread and Mortality – What’s the Role of Online Misinformation?" (Marie Curie Fellowship)

INED referent : Carlo Giovanni Camarda