2024 Call for doctoral applications

INED is recruiting 3 doctoral students on three-year contracts. The contracts start on October 1st 2024 (subject to validation of the Master’s degree).

The contract may start at another date, between September 1st 2024 and January 1st 2025 at the applicant’s request and subject to the supervisors’ approval. 

Campaign timeline :

  • Opening date of the call : the call for applications is now closed.
  • PHASE OF VALIDITY CHECK (Recevabilité) : The committee met on May 24 and drew up the list of admissible applications, available here.
  • Closing date of the call : Mai 3 2024
  • Publication date of results and letters to candidates : 

The selection campaign is now over, the final selection comittee (Admission) ratified the list of successful candidates available here

  • Contract begins : October 1st 2024 (or September 1st on request)

The applicant must fulfil the following three criteria:

  • Applicants must hold (or complete during the current academic year 2023-2024) a Master’s degree (M2) or equivalent in a discipline related to the population sciences and qualifying them for admission to a PhD programme in a French or foreign university.
  • Applicants will need to be enrolled for the first time (i.e. in the first year) in a doctoral programme in a French or foreign university for the academic year 2024-2025.
  • The thesis director or the co-director must be a researcher of INED (see list in appendix). Candidates are called upon to directly solicit a researcher from INED in relation to their research theme.

There are no criteria in terms of age or nationality.

Applicant supervisors must fulfil the following criterion:

  • Each INED and external supervisor may supervise at most two doctoral students with INED contracts (excluding 4th year students) at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year. This includes students recruited through this call for applications. 


How to apply ?

  1. Read the attached documents: 
    Appel à candidature 2024 
    Liste des chercheur·es référent·es Ined 2024 
    Formulaire encadrant·es
    Charte des doctorant·es
    Attestation sur l’honneur (à déposer signé sur la plateforme)
  2. (PhD candidate) : Create a user account and submit your application to the following address:Créer un compte utilisateur·trice et déposer votre dossier à l’adresse suivante :
  3. (INED’s supervisor) : Fill in and submit on the dedicated platform: link sent by individual e-mail to INED supervisors