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The Demographic Situation in France

The Demographic Situation in France: Recent Developments and Trends over the Last 70 Years
Magali Mazuy, Magali Barbieri, Didier Breton, Hippolyte d’Albis

Characteristics of Migration Flows to France Based on Residence Permit Data (1998-2013)
Hippolyte d’Albis, Ekrame Boubtane


The Vocabulary of Demography, from its Origins to the Present Day: A Digital Exploration
François Héran

 Providing Access to Quantitative Surveys for Social Research: The Example of INED
Arianna Caporali, Amandine Morisset, Stéphane Legleye

Ethnic Origin or Residential Location: Educational and Labour Market Attainment of Young People of Immigrant Background in France
Romain Aeberhardt, Roland Rathelot, Mirna Safi 

Does the Household-Based Census Capture the Diversity of Family Configurations?
Loïc Trabut, Éva Lelièvre, Estelle Bailly and the LiLi team

Book Reviews

Migrations, Discrimination, Integration
Topic coordinator: Patrick Simon, INED “International migrations and minorities” research unit
Books reviewed by: M. Beaujeu, S. Condon, E. Druez, T. Eremenko, A. Grysole, L. Kesztenbaum, P. Simon