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Migration between Africa and Europe (MAFE): Looking beyond Immigration to Understand International Migration

Cris Beauchemin

  • Migration between Africa and Europe (MAFE ): Advantages and Limitations of a Multisite Survey Design

Cris Beauchemin

Is the Feminization of International Migration Really on the Rise? The Case of Flows from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal

Sophie Vause et Sorana Toma

  • What Drives Onward Mobility within Europe? The Case of Senegalese Migration between France, Italy and Spain

Sorana Toma, Eleonora Castagnone

  • Return Migration to Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo: Intention and Realization

Marie-Laurence Flahaux

  • Does International Migration Lead to Divorce? Ghanaian Couples in Ghana and Abroad

Kim Caarls, Valentina Mazzucato

  • Book review