Jean Stoetzel, Demography and Public Opinion: for the Sixtieth Anniversary of Population
Paul-André Rosental
When INED and Population were first founded, soon after the Second World War, French public research was still very young, and its objectives were dictated by the priorities of public policy. Demography had not yet become the science of populations. Among the team of researchers brought together by Alfred Sauvy at INED, half of whom came from the Fondation Carrel, Jean Stoetzel occupied a central and yet paradoxical position. A French pioneer of quantitative sociology and public opinion research, he formed a bridge with social psychology, decisive for the demography of that period. While combating the Durkheimian tradition, he drew inspiration from his master, Maurice Halbwachs, to view population not as a natural entity but as a product and a factor of social organization.
Collecting Community Histories to Study the Determinants of Demographic Behaviour. A Survey in Burkina Faso
Bruno Schoumaker, Hubert Bonayi Dabire, Bilampoa Gnoumou-Thiombiano
This article presents a retrospective survey of localities, designed to be linked to an event history survey of individuals focusing on migration in Burkina Faso. During the survey, carried out in 2002, data on around ten broad topics were collected from respondents in almost 600 localities. After outlining various possible methods for collecting community data to study migration, the article considers a number of issues in turn: selection of the survey localities, organization of the survey, and the data collection methods used. The final part summarizes the results of work based on this information, and gives a brief outline of ongoing projects. One of the conclusions drawn is that the approach taken is a cost-effective means of collecting, within a reasonable timeframe, a wealth of high-quality community data lending itself to multi-level longitudinal analyses of demographic behaviour.
Effects of Pension Reforms on Gender Inequality in France
Carole Bonnet, Sophie Buffeteau, Pascal Godefroy
Though the question of pension disparities between men and women and their evolution over time has rarely been examined in France, the few existing studies conclude that the pension gap between men and women will progressively narrow up to 2040. This article follows on from this research by assessing the degree of gender-neutrality of the French pension reforms of 1993 and 2003. To this end, the entitlements of the 1965-1974 cohorts were projected using the Destinie dynamic microsimulation model for three different scenarios: before the 1993 reform; between the 1993 and 2003 reforms; and after the 2003 reform. We demonstrate that although the provisions are gender-neutral, these reforms appear to have a more negative impact on women’s pension entitlements than on those of men. Without the reforms and assuming a continuation of current labour force participation trends, men of the 1965-74 cohorts will receive a mean pension that is 47% higher than that of women. With the 1993 reform, the ratio is 1.54, and with that of 2003, it is 1.59.
The Influence of Childbearing Regional Contexts on deal Family Size in Europe: A Multilevel Analysis
Maria Rita Testa, Leonardo Grilli
The two-child family ideal is no longer universally widespread in Europe, but the reasons why people prefer a given number of children have not yet been systematically investigated. In our study, we adopt a multilevel approach to examine the individual and regional factors of ideal family size by taking into account the similarities of people sharing the same unobservable demographic and socio-economic environment. Logistic regression models are implemented using Eurobarometer data on the preferences of respondents aged 20-39 embedded in the regions of the 15 member countries of the European Union in 2001. The main result is that the context of actual fertility of the older generations influences the preferences of the younger cohorts: in regions where the past actual childbearing is, on average, lower, we find that the individual probability of preferring smaller families of people in reproductive ages is higher.