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Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity

Cross-National Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics


Epub - Editions Springer

1 The Making of Racial and Ethnic Categories: Official Statistics Reconsidered
Patrick Simon , Victor Piché , and Amélie A. Gagnon

Part I Comparative Accounts of Ethnic Statistics

2 Ethnic Classification in Global Perspective: A Cross-National Survey of the 2000 Census Round 
Ann Morning

3 ‘Inside Out’: The Politics of Enumerating the Nation by Ethnicity
Tahu Kukutai and Victor Thompson

Part II Enumeration and Identity Politics

4 The Choice of Ignorance: The Debate on Ethnic and Racial Statistics in France
Patrick Simon

5 Ethnic and Linguistic Categories in Quebec: Counting to Survive
Victor Piché

6 Brazilian Ethnoracial Classification and Affirmative Action Policies: Where Are We and Where Do We Go?
José Luis Petruccelli

7 The Ethnic Question: Census Politics in Great Britain
Debra Thompson

Part III Measurement Issues and Competing Claims

8 Counting Ethnicity in Malaysia: The Complexity of Measuring Diversity
Shyamala Nagaraj, Tey Nai-Peng, Ng Chiu-Wan, Lee Kiong-Hock, Jean Pala

9 The Growth of Ethnic Minorities in Uruguay: Ethnic Renewal or Measurement Problems?
Wanda Cabella, Rafael Porzecanski

10 The Objective Approaches of Ethnic Origins in Belgium: Methodological Alternatives and Statistical Implications
Nicolas Perrin, Luc Dal, Michel Poulain

11 Social Inequalities and Indigenous Populations in Mexico: A Plural Approach
Olivier Barbary

12 Fuzzy Definitions and Demographic Explosion of Aboriginal Populations in Canada from 1986 to 2006
Éric Guimond, Norbert Robitaille, Sacha Senecal

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