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Analyse démographique des biographies

Collection : Manuels and Textes fondamentaux

1989, 268 pages


n° ISBN 978-2-733-2-2010-8

19,50 € Buy
  • I. Extending the scope of longitudinal analysis

1. Observation of event histories

2. Formalization of the analysis

3. Methods of estimation using censored observations

4. Study of a single event

5. Reciprocical study of interactions between two events

6. Extending to more complex situations

  • II. Extending the scope of regression models

7. Statistical formalization of parametric analysis

8. Methods of estimation of parametric models

9. Methods of semi-parametric models

10. Conclusion

This book constitutes the first review of the techniques of event history analysis in demography. During the 1970s, the amount of reliable data made available as a result of surveys increased enormously. At the same time, statistical and computational techniques developed to allow the new data to be handled.

This treatment of the subject gives a detailed treatment of the techniques of event history analysis. It provides not only a thorough description of models, but also a theoretical presentation of this new research path without losing sight of the underlying application to population dynamics.

It will serve as a handbook of methodology for demographers and other social scientists interested in the study of the timing of events in individual lives.

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