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Trajectoires et origines

Enquête sur la diversité des populations en France

Collection : Grandes Enquêtes

2016, 624 pages

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n° ISBN 978-2-7332-8004-1

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n° ISBN EAN électronique : 9782733290156

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Preface, François Héran

Introduction, Patrick Simon, Cris Beauchemin et Christelle Hamel

 Part I. Diversité des origines et des trajectoires [Diversity of origins and trajectories]

Chapter 1. Histoires migratoires et profils socioéconomiques [Migration histories and socio-economic profiles, Cris Beauchemin, Bertrand Lhommeau et Patrick Simon

Chapter 2. Hommes et femmes en migration : vers un rapprochement des profils et des trajectoires [Men and women in migration: bringing together profiles and trajectories, Cris Beauchemin, Catherine Borrel et Corinne Régnard

Chapter 3. Liens transnationaux et intégration : entre ici et là-bas [Transnational ties and integration: between here and there, Cris Beauchemin, Hugues Lagrange et Mirna Safi

Chapter 4. Les pratiques linguistiques : langues apportées et langues transmises [Language practices: transported and transmitted languages], Stéphanie Condon et Corinne Régnard 

 Part II. L’accès aux ressources scolaires, sociales et professionnelles [Access to educational, social and occupational resources]

Chapter 5. Les ressources scolaires des immigrés à la croisée des histoires migratoires et familiales [Immigrants’ educational resources, at the intersection of migration trajectories and family histories], Laure Moguérou, Yaël Brinbaum et Jean-Luc Primon

Chapter 6. Les trajectoires du primaire au supérieur des descendants d’immigrés et de natifs d’un DOM [Primary to higher education trajectories of immigrants’ descendants and natives of overseas départements], Yaël Brinbaum, Laure Moguérou et Jean-Luc Primon

Chapter 7. Situation sur le marché du travail : statuts d’activité, accès à l’emploi et discrimination [Labour market situation: activity status, access to employment, discrimination], Yaël Brinbaum, Dominique Meurs et Jean-Luc Primon

Chapter 8. Emplois, salaires et mobilité intergénérationnelle [Jobs, wages, intergenerational mobility], Dominique Meurs, Bertrand Lhommeau et Mahrez Okba

Chapter 9. Migration et conditions de vie: leur impact sur la santé [Migration and living conditions: impact on health], Christelle Hamel et Muriel Moisy 

Part III. Les dynamiques familiales [Family dynamics]

Chapter 10. Former un couple en contexte multiculturel [Couple formation in a multicultural context], Christelle Hamel, Bertrand Lhommeau, Ariane Pailhé et Emmanuelle Santelli

Chapter 11. Avoir des enfants en contexte migratoire [Having children in a migration context], Ariane Pailhé et Christelle Hamel

Chapter 12. Proximités résidentielles entre parents et enfants entrant dans l’âge adulte [Residential proximity between parents and children entering adulthood], Hugues Lagrange 

Part IV. Discrimination et racisme : la prise en compte des perceptions [Discrimination and racism: taking perceptions into account]

Chapter 13. La mesure des discriminations dans l’enquête TeO [How the TeO survey measures discrimination], Maud Lesné et Patrick Simon

Chapter 14. Les discriminations en France : entre perception et expérience [Discrimination in France: between perception and experience], Yaël Brinbaum, Mirna Safi et Patrick Simon

Chapter 15. La place du racisme dans l’étude des discriminations [Racism in the study of discrimination], Christelle Hamel, Maud Lesné et Jean-Luc Primon

Chapter 16. L’habitat des immigrés et des descendants : ségrégation et discriminations perçues [Where immigrants and their descendants live: segregation and perceived discrimination], Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon et Claire Scodellaro

 Part V. Questions d’identités [Questions of identity]

Chapter 17. La fabrique du citoyen : origines et rapport au politique en France [The forging of citizens: origins and attitudes toward politics in France, Vincent Tiberj et Patrick Simon

Chapter 18. Les registres de l’identité. Les immigrés et leurs descendants face à l’identité nationale [Components and levels of identity: immigrants and their descendants and feelings of national identity], Patrick Simon et Vincent Tiberj

Chapter 19. Sécularisation ou regain religieux : la religiosité des immigrés et de leurs descendants [Secularization or a rise in religious feeling: the religiosity of immigrants and their descendants], Patrick Simon et Vincent Tiberj


Chapter methodology . Échantillonnage, collecte et pondérations de l’enquête Trajectoires et origines, [Methodology: Sampling, data collection and weighting in the Trajectoires et Origines survey], Élisabeth Algava et Bertrand Lhommeau

Conclusion. Diversité des origines et émergence des minorités [Origin diversity and emergence of minorities]




France has been an immigrant-receiving country for over a century and is now a multicultural society with an unprecedented level of origin diversity. And while immigrants and their descendants are targets of clichés and stereotyping, little is known of their situation in quantitative terms.

Concerned to acquire this missing statistical knowledge, INED and INSEE joined forces for a wide-ranging survey of France’s population in all its diversity, with special emphasis on discrimination. Trajectoires et Origines (TeO), a survey of 22,000 persons, marks a new phase in quantitative research on immigrants and their descendants. Is origin in itself a factor of inequalities or simply of differential access to society’s resources? With its detailed reconstitutions of educational, occupational and conjugal trajectories and its exploration of access to housing and health, TeO provides several approaches to answering this question.

One of the work’s major contributions is to have combined objective and subjective perspectives on discrimination: this is the first research study in France to focus on racism as experienced by those subjected to it, while opening up new methodological perspectives on studying experienced prejudice by origin, religion, and skin colour.

Cris Beauchemin is an INED researcher specialized in international migration, transnational families and relations between migration and development.

Christelle Hamel, sociologist and INED researcher, studies gender relations in migration contexts, forced marriage, and relations between violence and gender.

Patrick Simon is a social demographer at INED specialized in issues of integration, discrimination and multicultural citizenship.

Authors :

Élisabeth Algava

Cris Beauchemin

Catherine Borrel

Yaël Brinbaum

Stéphanie Condon

Christelle Hamel

Hugues Lagrange

Maud Lesné

Bertrand Lhommeau

Dominique Meurs

Laure Moguérou

Muriel Moisy

Mahrez Okba

Ariane Pailhé

Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon

Jean-Luc Primon

Corinne Régnard

Mirna Safi

Emmanuelle Santelli

Claire Scodellaro

Patrick Simon

Vincent Tiberj 

In our researchers’ own words:Cris Beauchemin, Christelle Hamel and Patrick Simon

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