Parcours de familles
L'enquête Étude des relations familialeset intergénérationnelles
Collection : Grandes Enquêtes
2016, 432 pagesParcours de familles [Family Trajectories]
L’enquête Etude des relations familiales et intergénérationelles [French name of the Generations and Gender Survey]
Edited by Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Preface. Anne H. Gauthier
Introduction. Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
PART I. Présentation et considérations méthodologiques [Opening presentation and review of methodological questions]
Chapter 1. L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles. Présentation et retour sur six années d’enquête. [L’Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles: presentation of the survey and review of six years of work], Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Chapter 2. Attrition et déformation de l’échantillon au fil des vagues de l’enquête Érfi. [Attrition and sample distortion across ERFI survey waves], Arnaud Régnier-Loilier, Nelly Guisse
Chapter 3. Incohérence du nombre total d’enfants d’une vague à l’autre de l’enquête Érfi [Inconsistencies in total number of children reported from one ERFI survey wave to the next], Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
PART II. Parcours conjugaux [Conjugal trajectories]
Chapter 4. Devenir conjugal des personnes en relation amoureuse stable non cohabitante [The conjugal future of persons in a love relationship but not cohabiting], Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Chapter 5. Fréquence des désaccords, satisfaction dans le couple et séparation [Frequency of disagreements, satisfaction within the couple, and separation], Éva Beaujouan
Chapter 6. La naissance ou la décohabitation d’un (demi-) frère ou d’une (demi-) sœur modifient-ils le climat conjugal ? Une analyse du point de vue des enfants [Does the birth of a [half-] brother or sister or his/her departure from home change the conjugal climate? An analysis from the children’s point of view], Nicolas Cauchi-Duval, Didier Breton
Chapter 7. L’impact de la trajectoire familiale des femmes sur leur système de valeurs. L’entrée dans la monoparentalité et la beau-parentalité [The impact of women’s family trajectory on their value system. Becoming a single parent or step-parent], Manon Réguer-Petit
PART III. Parcours de vie et fécondité [Life history and fertility]
Chapter 8. La planification des naissances : mesure et facteurs associés [Birth scheduling: extent and associated factors], Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Chapter 9. La non réalisation des projets de fécondité [Unrealized fertility plans], Arnaud Régnier-Loilier, Pascal Sebille
Chapter 10. Effet du chômage sur la réalisation des intentions de fécondité [The impact of unemployment on fertility plan realization], Ariane Pailhé, Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Chapter 11. Infécondité et fécondité tardive [Infertility and late fertility], Éva Beaujouan
PART IV. Parcours familiaux et professionnels [Family and work trajectories]
Chapter 12. Rythmes de travail et vie familiale. Quelle articulation à la naissance des enfants ? [Work pace and family life: how do they get balanced when children arrive?], Sandra Zilloniz
Chapter 13. Congé parental et interruption de l’activité professionnelle des mères. Une comparaison entre la France et la Hongrie [Parental leave and interruption of mothers’ occupational activity: France and Hungary compared], Zsuzsanna Makay
Chapter 14. Fin d’activité et passage à la retraite, une période empreinte d’incertitude [The end of working life and the beginning of retirement: a period suffused with uncertainty], Sylvie Renaut, Jim Ogg, Sabrina Aouici
PART V. Parcours familiaux et entraide [Family trajectories and intrafamily assistance]
Chapter 15. Les transferts des parents aux enfants : l’influence des évènements familiaux et professionnels [Parent-child transfers: the impact of family and work-related events], Maëlan Le Goff, Julien Navaux, Lionel Ragot
Chapter 16. L’évolution du recours à une aide domestique rémunérée [Developments in the use of paid home help], François-Xavier Devetter
Six years after Portraits de familles, this second segment of the “Etude des relations familiales et intergénérationelles” survey (Erfi the name of the French section of the Generations and Gender Survey) presents the life histories of the approximately 10,000 survey respondents. What has become of them in the intervening years? Are they with someone in a couple? Are they separated? Have they had children? What impact has their family trajectory had on their work life, and vice versa? To what degree have the events of life activated mutual assistance between the generations? Do behaviours differ by sex?
Interviewing the same people three and six years after the initial study enables us to better understand their trajectories and to see how demographic behaviours are determined at the individual level.
The book sheds light on major trends, variations in them and the diversity of lifestyles that develop in response to such circumstances as unemployment, birth of a first child, separation, retirement. The subjective dimension—e.g., respondent perception of well-being, satisfaction within the couple, opinions about the family—has also been taken into account.
This detailed, panoramic view of respondents’ life histories effectively apprehends changes in the family and the multiple forms that term refers to in France today.
Arnaud Régnier-Loilier holds a PhD in sociology; he is a researcher at INED’s Fertility, Family and Sexuality research unit. His main research areas are fertility, different types of conjugality, and parent-child relationships in France; he is also specialized in survey methodology. Between 2005 and 2011, in partnership with INSEE, Régnier-Loilier was in charge of setting up three waves of the Generations and Gender Survey, called Etude des relations familiales et intergénérationelles or ERFI in France.
With the folliwing authors :
Sabrina Aouici
Éva Beaujouan
Didier Breton
Nicolas Cauchi-Duval
François-Xavier Devetter
Nelly Guisse
Maëlan Le Goff
Zsuzsanna Makay
Julien Navaux
Jim Ogg
Ariane Pailhé
Lionel Ragot
Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Manon Réguer-Petit
Sylvie Renaut
Pascal Sebille
Sandra Zilloniz