Several news stories in autumn 2013 brought the question of racism in France back to the fore. This document provides new statistical information on how racism is experienced by immigrants and immigrants’ descendants, as well as people from French overseas territories. Based on data from the Trajectories and Origins survey, it begins with a measurement of racism as perceived and described by the groups and individuals targeted by the phenomenon. The questionnaire included no formal definition of racism, leaving respondents free to say if they had been the target of "overtly racist insults, language or attitudes in France". The document looks at how racism is associated with migratory origins and with several socio-demographic and economic categories. It also includes detailed analysis on the spaces of racism, its manifestation in the form of workplace discrimination, and the racism experienced by a small part of the mainstream population. The findings show that racism in France, far from being an exception, is an experience shared by people from French overseas territories and immigrants, and in particular by the descendants of post-colonial immigrants from North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Racism is mainly encountered in the workplace and public spaces, but also at school.