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Presentation and Modifications to the Generations and Gender Survey Questionnaire in France (Wave 2)

Collection : Documents de travail

173, 2011, 146 pages

  1. The Wave 2 questionnaire
  2. Implementation of the Wave 2 survey in France
  3. Sample Attrition Between French GGS Waves 1 and 2
  4. Changes made in the French Second Wave questionnaire
  5. Table summarizing the available variables (harmonised Wave-2 data)

L'Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles (Érfi)

This working paper does not include any results of the Érfi-GGS Survey.
It is a working tool to facilitate comparative analysis of harmonized data from wave 2 of the French GGS (ERFI) with data obtained in other countries. First it describes how the Wave 2 survey was organized in France. We draw attention to the problem of under-reporting of children, and describe the attrition observed between the two waves. The core questionnaire, annotated with all the changes introduced to adapt it to the French context, is also included.

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