Être collégien en classe de troisième en Polynésie française : des scolarités au gré de la mobilité
Collection : Documents de travail
n° 258, 2020, 16 pages
The paper presents the survey, entitled "Le Collège & Moi", a self- administered operation conducted in May 2019 and completed by all the 15 to 16 years old students in French Polynesia (whether in public or private secondary schools). The data collected relate to their school careers (the induced mobility necessary to complete compulsory schooling) in connection with their family arrangements and possible geographical mobility. Its objective is to better understand the academic difficulties as well as the success trajectories of the pupils. After an overview of the organization of the French Polynesian education system, we present the first results focusing on the students’ relationship to their fenua (territory).
L’équipe ATOLLs
Fanny Jedlicki (Ined-LiRIS-Université de Rennes 2), Eva Lelièvre (Ined), Loïc Trabut (Ined), Wilfried Rault (Ined), Célio Sierra-Paycha (Ined-Université Paris I), Alexandre Escouflaire (Ined), Philippe Cordazzo (SAGE, Université de Strasbourg), Pierre Clément Université de Rouen Normandie), Laurent Pellet (ISPF), Laurent Rouquier (ISPF), Stéphane Leroy (ISPF)