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Violence and Gender Relations: Contexts and Consequences of Violence Against Women and Men

Collection : Documents de travail

212, 2014, 41 pages

 1. An institutional appeal for knowledge regarding violence against women

2. From studying violence against women to studying violence from agender perspective

3. Statistical knowledge on violence in france

4. Survey objectives: gender, contexts and consequences

5. The questionnaire

6. Survey population, sampling and data-collection modes

7. Calendar

The VIRAGE (Violence and Gender Relations) survey aims to develop a new approach to gender-based violence by including men in its sample. It is a quantitative survey involving 35,000 respondents (women and men) aged 20-69 that uses an innovative multimode data collection method (phone and internet). In each sphere of respondents’ lives (public spaces, work, education, intimate partner relationship, family), all acts of violence suffered over the previous 12 months and over their lifetime will be explored. A typology of violence will be established, taking account of the severity, frequency and accumulation over time of acts of violence, in order to understand victims’ trajectories and apprehend the social and economic consequences of violence. VIRAGE also seeks to inform public policy on this subject by assessing victims’ needs and proposing ways to adapt prevention policies to the needs of both sexes.

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