Demographic situation
Every year, a series of chronicles on current demographic trends in France, Europe, the developed countries and other regions of the world are published in Population. Articles covering the demographic situation in France are compiled into a report to the French Parliament.
Each article can be downloaded in full text.
Book list
Recent Demographic Trends in France 2024
Recent Demographic Trends in France 2023
Recent Demographic Trends in France 2022.
Recent Demographic Trends in France. The Disruptive Impact of COVID -19 on French Population Dynamics: Fewer Births and Marriages, a Downturn in Migration, More Deaths…
Dynamics, demographic and socio-economic issues of ageing in countries with high longevity
Recent demographic trends in France: situations and behaviour of minors
Recent demographic trends of France:a singularity in Europe?
Recent Demographic Developments in France: Seasonal Patterns of Births, Deaths, Unions, and Migration
Recent Demographic Developments in France: Marked Diff erences between Départements
Mortality Inequalities and Trends in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 1990-2015
Recent Demographic Developments in France: A Decline in Fertility, an Increase in Mortality
Overview of a Population Question - Female Genital Mutilation. Overview and Current Knowledge
The Demographic Situation in France: Recent Developments and Trends over the Last 70 Years
Characteristics of Migration Flows to France Based on Residence Permit Data (1998-2013)
The Masculinization of Births. Overview and Current Knowledge
Recent Demographic Trends in France: The Number of Marriages Continues to Decrease
A Steady Number of Induced Abortions,but Fewer Women Concerned
Recent demographic trends in France: fertility remains stable
Mortality in France by département
Recent Demographic Developments in France: Relatively Low Mortality at Advanced Ages
Changes in Family Situations as Reflected in the French Censuses, 1962-2009
The Demography of Canada and the United States from the 1980s to the 2000s
Populations and Demographic Trends of European Countries, 1980-2010
Recent Demographic Developments in France - 2011: Some Differences between Overseas Départements and Metropolitan France
Labour Market Integration of Young People from the French Overseas Départements: At Home or in Metropolitan France?
The Demography of Oceania from the 1950s to the 2000s
Women’s Fertility and Educational Level in France: Evidence from the Annual Census Surveys
Recent Demographic Developments in France: Fewer Adults Live with a Partner - F. Prioux, M. Mazuy, M. Barbieri
Recent Demographic Developments in France: Tenth Anniversary of the PACS Civil Partnership, and Over a Million Contracting Parties
Abortion Trends in France, 1990-2005
The Demography of East and Southeast Asia from the 1950s to the 2000s. A Summary of Changes and a Statistical Assessment
The Demography of South Asia from the 1950s to the 2000s. A Summary of Changes and a Statistical Assessment
Strengths and Uncertainties of the French Annual Census Surveys
Recent Demographic Developments in France: Life expectancy Still rising
Heat Waves, Ordinary Temperature Fluctuations and Mortality in France since 1971
Recent Demographic Developments in France
Fertility in the Developed English-Speaking Countries outside Europe: Canada, United States, Australia and New Zealand
Recent Improvements in Life Expectancy in France: Men are Starting to Catch Up
Recent Demographic Developments in France - 2006
The Demography of latin America and the Caribbean since 1950
Recent Demographic Trends in Europe and the other Developed Countries
Recent Demographic Developments in France - 2005
Two Children or Three? Influence of Family Policy and Sociodemographic Factors
The Demography of the Arab World and the Middle East from the 1950s to the 2000s
The European Union at the Time of Enlargement
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 2004
Évolution démographique récente des pays développés
The Demography of Sub-Saharan Africa from the 1950s to the 2000s
L'immigration récente en France et au Royaume-Uni
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 2003
L'âge de la première union en France : une évolution en deux temps
Les familles monoparentales
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 2002
Les naissances sont retardées
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 2001
La filiation des enfants nés hors mariage
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 2000
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 1999
La contraception en France
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 1997
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 1996
La mortalité en France
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 1995
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 1994
L'évolution démographique récente en France - 1993