Using EU-SILC for demographic analysis in Europe

the Friday 29 June 2018 at l'Ined, Salle Sauvy de 9 à 18 h

Journée scientifique du Pôle Perspectives Internationales

The European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is a unique data source, due to its’ country coverage (32 countries), the large set of socio-economic variables it provides and the possibility to merge household members. EU-SILC is not specifically designed to study demographic issues, but is becoming increasingly popular for demographic analysis. This conference aims to present different ways to use the EU-SILC to study fertility, marriage, and other aspects of demographic interest. The first part of the conference will be focused on the presentation of the dataset and on the quality of demographic measures. In the second part, researchers from different countries (Europe/US) will present their demographic research based on EU-SILC.

Scientific Coordination:

Aurélien Dasré (UPN/GTM-Cresppa/Ined)

Angela Greulich (Paris I/CES/Ined)

Exclusively in English

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