Regulations of intimate life: State control or people inspired?

From 03 to 04 December 2012 at l'Ined, salle 111

Organisation : Marie Digoix(Ined) & Nathalie Le Bouteillec (CURAPP-Ined)

Monday 3rd December 2012, 10h-12h :Parenthood

  • The politics of parenthood: state regulations of family life in Sweden during the 20th century. The case of divorce and post-divorce parenthood
    Helena Bergman (Stockholm University)

  • Intimate democracy: Fathers for the family or fathers in the family
    Jørgen Lorentzen, (University of Oslo)

  • State regulation of parenthood as expressed through laws on children born out of wedlock in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
    Nathalie Le Bouteillec (University of Picardie Jules Verne, INED and University of Uppsala)

Monday 3rd December 2012, 14h-17h : The path towards marriage for all

  • Welfare state or welfare society? Marriage and individual in Iceland: The state, the church and the citizen
    Marie Digoix (National institute for demographic studies, France)

  • From Pacs to Marriage For All. Anthropological Rhetorics and French Politics
    Eric Fassin (University of Paris 8-IRIS, France)

  • ‘On the front line to defend life and (the Italian) family'. The debate on the legal recognition of cohabiting couples in Italy (2006-2008)
    Marina Franchi (London School of Economics, United Kingdom)

  • Same-sex marriage (and divorce) in Spain: an updated appraisal
    José Ignacio Pichardo Galán (University Complutense de Madrid)

Tuesday 4th December 2012, 10h-13h : Gendered equality within the Family

  • From poor relief to social assistance. Changing perceptions of Icelandic Family Policies 1890-1940
    Ólöf Garðarsdóttir (University of Iceland)

  • For the sake of class equality, gender equality or employment policy? Sweden and the transition from joint taxation to individual taxation in 1970.
    Zara Bersbo (Växjö Linnaeus University, Sweden)

  • 11h 30 - Meeting of the network