Health, education and retirement over the prolonged life cycle

From 27 to 29 November 2013 at Vienne (Autriche)

Call for paper before the 30th of June 2013

International conference organised by the Wittgenstein Centre for demography and global human capital.

Themes :

  • Reallocation of life cycle choices (health, education, labour supply) in response to greater longevity ;
  • Health and education as drivers of a prolonged life cycle ;
  • Life styles and life expectancy ;
  • Enabling a longer working life ;
  • Intergenerational and intragenerational transfers in the presence of prolonged life cycles ;
  • Prolonged life and the sustainability of social security: health and retirement ;
  • Dealing with inequality in the expansion of life cycles ;
  • Do longer life cycles lead to greater heterogeneity at older ages ?