Super-diversity and social cohesion: new European immigration to South-East England

the Monday 19 March 2007 at l'Ined, salle Sauvy

Discutante : Mirjana Morokvasic (Université de Paris X)

This paper provides an overview of a recent survey of immigration from Central and Eastern Europe to three localities in SE England.Whilst patterns of movement from EU accession countries to Britain are increasingly well-documented in the context of the UK's decision to allow labour market access to A8 nationals, much less is known about patterns of migration from beyond the EU's borders. Focusing on migration from four countries outside the European Union (Albania, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine) and Bulgaria, which joined the EU in January 2007, the paper explores migration trajectories, patterns of integration into the labour market, and indicators of social and community cohesion, and draws tentative conclusions about areas of policy concern.