Private Household’ as a Socio-demographic Background Variable in International Comparative Social Surveys
Discutante : Eva Lelièvre (Ined)
Different cultures and states use their national definition of
‘private household'. In the EU nearly each country has an own
definition of household. These definitions correspond to the
cultural and national structures of social life. The differences
result in diverse household compositions and unequal sizes across
European nations. Comparing household measures over countries
survey analysts face several inconveniences. The composition of the
surveyed household has direct impact on the respondents answer
about the household size. With regard to the sociological variables
"total household income" and "socio economic status" of the
individual household members, the composition of the household and,
therefore, the definition by means of which this composition is
determined, is of central importance. In a first step we summarize
definitions of household used in national surveys across Europe.
Same dwelling, sharing economic resources, common housekeeping and
family ties are the main and mostly used criteria. In a second step
we discuss the possible combinations of these elements and the
strategies of operationalization in social surveys. The third part
illustrates the findings. We use ESS, ECHP and administrative micro
data from official statistics. The country differences become
obvious. Our conclusion is a revised fieldwork instrument measuring
household in social surveys that increases data comparability
across cultures and countries