La démogéographie du SIDA en Europe occidentale
Discutant : Michel Legros (EHESP)
The objective of this work is to analyze the geography of AIDS
in Western Europe through the eyes of demography, in a perspective
of understanding the differences existing between spaces on this
matter, at various territorial levels. In this context, we sought
to construct indexes eliminating the effect of differences in age
structure, either for the intensity of the entries in AIDS or AIDS
mortality. The study of national differences, of AIDS incidence and
mortality from AIDS, in ten Western European countries confirm some
specificities while relativizing others. This work reveals regional
differences in the incidence of AIDS in France, Switzerland and
Spain, very strong before the widespread use of multiple therapies
significantly reduced since 1996, but that still remains. This is
partly explained by differences in the weight of foreigners in the
regional populations, particularly for certain ways of
transmission. The study of differences in impact of AIDS among
these subnational territories revealed border effects more or less