A brief presentation of trideux.cloud
A brief presentation of trideux.cloud
Intervenant : Alex Albert (enseignant à l'Université de Tours, chercheur au Laboratoire CITERES-CoST UMR 7324 INSHS-INEE du CNRS) ; discutante : Bénédicte Garnier (ingénieure experte de l'Ined, service des méthodes & statistiques)
Trideux.cloud is a free, open-source, Internet-based statistics software. It was originally developed in 2020 to enable students to learn about quantitative data from home. It is therefore designed to be simple and very easy to access, and as intuitive to use as possible. With this in mind, its functionalities are deliberately focused on the most common statistical operations (uni/bi analyses, correlation tests, recoding, weighting, etc.).
As its name suggests, Trideux.cloud is an extension of Philippe Cibois’ work, incorporating some of the indicators (PEM) and algorithms (ACM) developed for the Trideux “desktop” software. It is therefore not really an “online” version of Trideux, as trideux.cloud uses the calculation and display capabilities of the locally installed Internet browser. This allows it to run without installation on any computer terminal and on any operating system, even offline. All you have to do is connect to the site once, and the “software” is “installed” on your computer and runs locally. No data is transferred to the server, no account is required, no cookies are set.
The presentation will illustrate how the software works live, while giving the keys needed to get started for those who might be interested in using it.
Biographie de Alex Alber :
Alex Alber est sociologue du travail et des organisations, enseignant-chercheur à l'université de Tours. En parallèle de ses recherches, il a développé différents logiciels gratuits à destination de la communauté scientifique, dont trideux.cloud et Sonal.
Links for more info
Lien vers la page personnelle du site de Alex Alber :
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Lien vers le page personnelle de Bénédicte Garnier :
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