Lundis de l’INED

From September to June, Ined organizes a weekly seminar. Ined researchers or outside guests present their work which is discussed by a peer. This seminar is the occasion for multidisciplinary scientific exchanges around a variety of population issues.

The seminar takes place every Monday from 11:30 to 12:30 at INED, salle Sauvy. 

The meetings are also held by videoconference, using the Zoom system (see the event).

The seminar is open to the public, without prior registration. Depending on the speakers, the language may be French or English.

The weekly seminars consist in presentations of different kinds. Each research unit is in charge of one seminar per year. Seven times a year, a young researcher, PhD or postdoctoral student presents his or her research. Three times a year, the seminar is organized by the surveys department and devoted to a specific survey. Twice a year, it is organized by the publications department and devoted to a recently book recently published by the Ined editions. Once a year it is organized by the statistical methods department and devoted to current issues in this area. One seminar is organized by the IUSSP, and one by the Population journal. Other seminars, called Démodynamique, are organized by the seminar’s coordinators.

Every year, several « Lundis de l’INED » sessions are dedicated to the works of a researcher affiliated with a Campus Condorcet partner institution, an occasion for Campus researchers working on similar subjects to meet, give visibility to existing collaborations, and develop ideas for new research questions and interdisciplinary approaches. In 2021 we hosted Marie-Paule Couto of CRESPPA (Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris) and Marion Valarcher of OSC (Observatoire Sociologique du Changement) for a presentation of their study: 

Coordination: Julie Fromentin and Arlette Simo Fotso
Secretariat: Marie-Laure Trudel
Contact: coord-lundis @
Mailing list subscription: les-lundis-subscribe @

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