INED and INSEE benefit from their complementarity by collaborating regularly and often. INED analyses data collected by INSEE and makes its expertise available when it comes to carrying out the country’s "major surveys", an INED specificity.

INED and INSEE (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques) are linked by their many formal and informal collaborative undertakings in turn based on the historical partnership between the two institutes.
INED researchers analyse the census and population survey data produced by INSEE and are therefore consulted when it comes to further developing statistical tools, particularly national census questionnaires.
INED also makes its experience in conducting “major surveys” available to INSEE. These surveys, emblematic of INED researchers’ work and that of its Survey Office, a unique research support system, use finely tuned experimental programs designed to meet the particular goals of the given study. INED has developed, for example, both life course surveys and methods for following cohorts and panels prospectively.
INED researchers have been at the forefront of surveying particular subpopulations, such as the poor and disadvantaged. For example, INED launched the first surveys of homeless people in France. Today these surveys are conducted by INSEE while INED remains a partner in data collection, as during the most recent edition of the Enquête sans domicile 2012.
Several other major surveys have been conducted jointly or through a partnership agreement with INSEE in recent years; notably, the 2nd and 3rd waves of the Etude des Relations Familiales et Intergénérationnelles (ERFI, the French version of the GGS) in 2008 and 2011, Trajectories and Origins (TeO) in 2008-2009, Migrations, Family and Ageing) (MVF) in France’s overseas départements in 2009-2010, Family and Housing (Famille et logements) in 2011 and Study on individual and conjugal trajectories (EPIC) in 2013.

L’enquête Migrations-Famille-Vieillissement (MFV) a été réalisée pour la 1ère fois à Mayotte entre septembre 2015 et avril 2016. 

While the collection of Trajectories and Origins 2 (TéO2) took place between July 2019 and the end of 2020.
INED and INSEE also exchange in connection with analysing the current French demographic context. Specifically, INED conducts detailed analyses on changes in the major indicators initially provided by INSEE.
INED is presently orienting its collaborations with INSEE toward exchanges in the areas of methodology and demographic analysis, as well as conducting surveys using samples made available by INSEE.

Other public statistics services

In addition to its work and exchanges with INSEE, INED collaborates with several other public statistics services; specifically, the relevant departments and services of the ministries of social affairs and health, employment, the interior, the state civil service, culture, housing and urban affairs.