Victor Bonnin, in charge of procurement and public tenders at INED’s management control and support department
Victor Bonnin is in charge of procurement and public tenders at INED’s management control and support department.
(Interview conducted in January 2022)
What path brought you to INED?

I earned a first-level degree in law at Poitiers, followed by a Master’s 1 in public law and a Master’s 2 in public law contracts. I did my final-year internship at the Opéra National de Paris, in the procurement and public tenders office. I’ve been working at INED since December 2018, starting as a contract worker on a two-year contract. I then took a nationwide competitive exam for the civil service status of research engineer and recently became permanent.
What is your role at INED?
I’m in charge of designing and carrying out all operations connected with the Institute’s purchasing and procurement policy (internal process standardization, invitations to tender, contracts). My main missions are to develop effective procurement and bidding procedure methods and tools and to do internal evaluation of procurement policy.
I help departments that have a procurement need to define it in precise terms, to draft a file for consulting with supply companies, and to analyze the offers received in order to select the most advantageous one on economic criteria; i.e., the offer that best meets project-specific criteria along with those of quality and price. Once a bid has been accepted, I keep track of service provision to ensure that all contract clauses are complied with and thereby prevent any legal conflicts.
I also run two INED commissions: the needs commission and the advisory commission on procurements.
What would you say is specific about INED? What do you appreciate most about working in the Institute?
In addition to the diversity of procurements at INED, the institution also calls for bids in conjunction with surveys, a type that is obviously not found everywhere and that was something new for me.
Otherwise, I like working in a human-sized institute and handling a range of different cases and files—collaborator profiles are also quite varied. My job enables me to discover a wide range of projects and to keep up on research activities, how a particular survey process is unfolding, and other developments.