Administrative and technical careers
INED’s many administrative and technical personnel present a wide range of skills—statistical, secretarial, library, legal, IT, publishing, graphic design, translation, public relations—and work in a great variety of jobs, all in the service of research.
INED engineers, technicians and administrative personnel (ITAs) provide technical support for the production, dissemination and promotion of the Institute’s scientific work. Over 150 ITAs, some permanent, work with research teams (secretarial) and in administrative services (budget, human resources, accounting, asset management, legal services, managment control) and research support services. From secretaries to statisticians, the Institute draws on a broad range of skills in highly varied activity areas.
Surveys and statistical methods
The engineers and technicians working in the Survey office help researchers design, test and carry out surveys and data collection processes; they are also in charge of making results available to users. They include survey statisticians as well as specialists in survey methodology, logistics, survey documentation, and IT.
The statisticians working in the Statistical methods office advise researchers on what statistical analysis method to choose (data analysis, event history, multilevel analysis, textual statistics) and train them in methods useful to their projects. They also keep track of new methodology as diffused in journals and international meetings.
After manuscripts have been approved, INED readers, editors, editing assistants, layout artists and computer graphics designers correct and do the page layout for texts, tables and graphs; they also draw up the style sheet and design layout for works in INED’s various book series. A team of translators produces the English version of INED’s Population and Population & Societies journals as well as a number of books. Sales managers are in charge of disseminating INED publications and promoting them at conferences and book fairs.
Partnerships and international relations
Project managers and personnel in charge of international relations and European affairs support and help implement INED’s partnership policy. They keep track of calls for proposals, alert researchers participating in international projects to relevant grant opportunities and help them draw up grant applications.
Communication, public relations
Public relations managers, webmasters and graphic designers carry out INED’s communication and public relations policies for disseminating and promoting its research studies to the media, the general public and the Institute’s scientific and institutional partners.
Hiring and statuses
Ingénieurs and techniciens are recruited by external or internal competitive examination. INED also hires on a contract basis through CDDs (limited-term contracts) and on other bases.