INED supports the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) an international training programme for young PhD students
INED supports the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD), an international training programme for young doctoral students created in 2005 on the initiative of the European Population Studies Association. It is supported by five research organisations, including INED, and 12 European universities.
The EDSD is open to students with a Master’s degree, regardless of nationality. For 11 months, the twenty or so students selected receive high-level training in demography. During these eleven months, the students will be taught by leading international researchers on the causes and consequences of demographic change, demographic data, statistical and mathematical demography, as well as modelling, simulation and forecasting. The training provided is widely recognised by population research organisations around the world.
This itinerant training takes place in a different country every two years. INED hosted the School from 2007 to 2009 and will host it again for two academic years 2023-2025 on the Condorcet Campus. Each year, the institute financially supports two doctoral scholarships that allow young researchers to follow the EDSD curriculum.
The EDSD on the Condorcet Campus
As every year, preparatory courses are organised at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany from September to October. Then from November 2024 to July 2025 the courses will take place at INED.
While the courses will be held at INED’s premises on the Condorcet Campus in Aubervilliers, the students will have a workspace in the project hotel opposite. In the case of joint work with their professors, they will also have access to the six work rooms at INED itself, to the canteen and to the cafeterias of the institute. Thanks to the university account, students will have access to the campus library "Humathèque" and its online catalogue.
The courses will be held in person (unless the epidemiological situation dictates otherwise) and will be given in English. A course sharing platform will be made available to students and they will have access to the INED’s sharing platform. For non-French speaking students, weekly French classes will be offered by the EDSD.
Applications for the year 2024-2025 are closed.