Academic and scientific networks
INED is highly active in population associations and international research networks. The Institute is the headquarters of the IUSSP, one of the world’s leading demographic organizations.
Population associations
Many INED researchers are active members of the major population associations:
IUSSP (International Union for the Scientific Study of Population)
PAA (Population Association of America),
EAPS (European Association for Population Studies)
AIDELF (Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française)
Population research societies and networks
SLLS (Society for Longitudinal and Life course Study): created in 2009, the SLLS brings together researchers from various disciplines ranging from behavioural to social sciences interested in longitudinal research and life course study.
ESPE (European Society for Population Economics): the ESPE was founded in 1986 to facilitate exchange between researchers in Europe and across the world studying the economic aspects of population and demographic change, including gender issues, ageing and social security, income distribution and redistribution within and between generations, changing age structure and public housing, population growth and technical progress, and many other subjects
REVES (International network for research on healthy life expectancy): the REVES brings together researchers from over 150 universities throughout the world who are working to assess the impact of longer life expectancy on population health. Its members are active contributors to public health debates on future healthcare needs. Created in 1989 with the support of INSERM, the Social Affairs Council of Quebec and Duke University in the United States, this network is improving international comparisons by working to harmonise different countries’ data and calculation methods.
IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion): the IMISCOE network, of which INED is a founding member, supports and organizes a wide range of research activities on migrations and integration as well as training for young researchers; it is also very active in informing and dialoguing with the general public. IMISCOE developed out of a Network of Excellence funded by the EU’s 6th Framework Programme (European Commission).