The iPOPs or “Individuals, Populations, Societies” Labex

iPOPs (Individuals, Populations, Societies), the only Labex coordinated by a research organization, in partnership with the four founding universities and the Campus Condorcet, links INED to existing university demography departments. iPOPs aims to occupy a central position in research and training in the population sciences while making its research available to the economic, social and political worlds. The iPOPs doctoral training and research programme focuses on the two themes of “Family dynamics and ageing” and “Social, gender and intergenerational inequalities.” These areas of study quite naturally lend themselves to demographic analysis methods while being highly relevant to the economic and social fields. The iPOPs Labex supports and fuels the major surveys through which population science research is practiced, such as ERFI (Etudes des Relations Familiales et Intergenerationnelles), a French survey part of the European Generations and Gender Program (GGP). Through the iPOPs project, INED is also developing its capacities as a laboratory for doctoral students working on population questions. INED and its partners plan to consolidate ties between the various training institutions, support teacher-researcher partnership projects, increase the number of students trained in demography, and broaden employment prospects for trained demographers, notably through partnerships with economic actors.
The OSE or “Ouvrir la Science Economique” (Open up economics) Labex

INED’s economic demography research unit is active in the research section of the OSE Laboratoire d’Excellence coordinated by the Paris School of Economics. This Labex brings together several research centres and teams concerned to “open up economics” to the other social sciences. INED is co-running one of the five theme-based components of OSE, “Inequalities and the public-sector economy.” Each year, three or four workshops are organized around a single main theme for the purpose of assessing existing research and reflecting on how to enlarge its boundaries by way of new approaches, methods, data, etc. INED is co-coordinating two of these workshops, “Geographic and urban inequalities” and “Demographic economics.” The first provides an opportunity for meetings and exchange between European specialists of economic and urban demography—researchers who are geographically scattered—while the second brings together researchers working in economic analysis of demographic themes and issues (fertility, longevity, migration).