HED or the School for Advanced Studies in Demography is a graduate school run by the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the French Institute for Demographic Studies or INED and supported by 6 partner universities, 8 university graduate departments, and 10 research units. Specifically, Demography and Population Sciences (REDPOP) graduate school research network won PIA funding. The goal of the network is to “bolster international impact and attractiveness … in one or several scientific areas by encompassing both Master’s and PhD training programs supported by several high-level research laboratories.” The aim is promote the graduate school research model in France by bringing universities together with research institutes and consolidating ties with economic actors. The model aims to strengthen the appeal of the research approach in programs from Master’s on up and to increase the international intelligibility of those programs by creating a continuum between Master’s and PhD degrees and professional integration.
The School for Advanced Studies in Demography is based on a national network of education and training programs for Master’s and PhD students: courses and research projects. It brings together the most important demography research actors in France and offers students the methodological and field-specific expertise of all project partners.
PGSE - Paris Graduate School of Economics
INED’s Economic Demography research unit is part of the new Paris Graduate School of Economics, coordinated by the Paris School of Economics. Its work is continuous with that of the OSE “Opening Up Economics” Laboratory of Excellence, as it will bring together several research centers and teams and its scientific purpose is likewise to open up economic science, particularly by exploring its boundaries and relations with a wide range of other disciplines including social sciences and cognitive sciences. The School is structured around three major activities—research, teaching, dissemination and expertise—and eight topic areas or sections. Members of INED’s Economic Demography research team will be involved in organizing and conducting activities in the “Public economics, labor economics, and demographic economics” section.
EUR « Gender and Sexuality Studies » (GSST)
The “Gender and Sexuality Studies” graduate research school or GSST is a Master’s and PhD program founded on a partnership between the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and INED that involves the following 6 EHESS research centers: CEMS [Center for the study of social movements], CeSOR [Center for social science study of religion], CESSP [European sociology and political science center], CMH [Center Maurice Halbwachs], and IRIS [Institute for interdisciplinary research on social issues]. The originality of the training in gender and sexuality studies offered at the GSST is its grounding in interdisciplinary empirical study (sociology, history, anthropology, and demography). Alongside ethnography and archive study, central importance is attached to statistical data as a powerful tool for objectifying gender and sexuality, thereby making it possible to inscribing them in social relations generally. The aim is to train research and teaching professionals but also professionals who will apply the knowledge thus acquired in work for sexual equality and antidiscrimination. The school is located on Campus Condorcet, which was designed as a space for scientific exchange and the diffusion of scientific knowledge.